By Marco Teng, YAIC Weekly
February 1, 2013

UN came out a resolution about last month unauthorized DPRK (hereafter Democratic People's Republic of Korea) long-ranged missile launch test. The Security Council unanimously passed the resolution, which also expands the existing sanctions. North Korea implied their feeling of unfairness and anger through the passage:
- the three-stage rocket put a communications satellite into space. But later, its neighbors and the US turned down DPRK's delcaration:
the move constituted a test of long-range missile technology banned under UN resolutions passes after Pyongyang's nuclear test in 2006 and 2009. These words apparently showed the positions of DPRK's neighbors and US. They thought the object launched was a long-ranged missile.
Nuclear Weapons are extremely dangerous. In the past, DPRK has conducted two nuclear tests. Therefore, I strongly believe that there is something behind the launch. Inside the Security Council, DPRK supposed to demonstrate the object launched was a satellite, not a missile and try to convince or negotiate with other member states. However the government of DPRK hasn't proposed any official announcement to prove it was not a missile today.

There are three primary neighboring countries of DPRK , South Korea, China and Russia. China and Russia are DPRK's allies while South Korea is inclined to stand with the US. However China and Russia don't want to offend other member states of the UN, thus they don't fully countenance DPRK's speaking. Honestly, letting North Korea to hold nuclear weapon will not threaten China and Russia, but South Korea. This is because that will make the military proportion within the Korean Peninsula into a state of unbalance and maybe will cause the war between within the peninsula later on. that was the reason why South Korea and US welcome the resolution.
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