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  1. TMUN Junior

    Thursday, January 31, 2013

    By Jerry Cheng, YAIC Weekly

    January 31, 2013

    “Motion! Motion for cheering for the great finale of 2013 TMUN Junior!”

    The 2013 TMUN Junior ended up with a tremendous success. The staff members tried really hard to pull this off and every distinguished delegate from around Taiwan gave their biggest round of applause to this event. However, what is TMUN Junior exactly?

    Taipei Model United Nations Special Conference, also known as TMUN Junior, is a yearly MUN specially designed for senior high students. And it has been held and coordinated by YAIC(hereafter Youth Association of International Conferences) of National ChengChi University for three straight years(Since G20 Summit in 2011).

    This simulated conference provides participants insights into internationally popular and heatedly debated issues ranging from global security to human rights.

    The main body of TMUN Junior consists of three committees, all are affiliated to General Assembly in United Nations: Disarmament an International Security Committee(DISEC) deals with disarmament, global challenges and threat to peace and seeks out solutions to challenges in the international security regime; Economic and Financial Committee(ECOFIN) deals with global economic growth and development; Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs Committee(SOCHUM) deals with social, humanitarian and human rights issues that affect people all over the globe.

    Through constant caucusing and debating, delegates can learn how to negotiate with others in a diplomatic manner, maximize their own interests with less compromises, develop greater inter-personal skills to meet other elites in social events and, most important of all, leave the conference room with a whole new vision toward the globe.

    We live in this world, as the global citizens, we are all obligated to understand the pulse on this planet, that's why the Model United Nations are here for. Those changes come from within you, in the words of Mahatma Ghandi: “We must be the change we wish to see in this world” Be brave to speak up for your own country and let the voice be heard! 
    UN Headquarter, NYC

    TMUN Junior, we'll see you in 2014 and wish you a happy new year.

    Breaking news!!!
    The best delegates of this year's TMUN Junior are qualified to participate in TMUN on 4/26~28 at National ChenChi University. Wanna get a taste of college-style MUN? Join us!

    Photos taken in order

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