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  1. Tension in Northeast Asia rises

    Saturday, February 09, 2013

    By Cheryl Yu, YAIC Weekly 

    February 9, 2013

    According to Time Magazine, the status of Mainland China in both politics and economy enhanced through the past years; therefore, the tension between countries in Northeast Asia have escalated. The condition in Northeast Asia now resembles that of Europe in 1914: a powder keg.
    Former prime minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd
    Kevin Rudd, the Former Prime Minister of Australia, said “The region increasingly resembles a 21st-century maritime redux of the Balkans a century ago - a tinderbox on water. Nationalist sentiment is surging across the region, reducing the domestic political space for less confrontational approaches. Like the Balkans a century ago, riven by overlapping alliances, loyalties, and hatreds, the strategic environment in East Asia is complex.''

    The relationships between countries in East Asia are at stake.

    Japan and China: The conflict has continued since Japan's cabinet secretary announced the government had purchased Diaoyu islands from a Japanese citizen on September 11. The nationalism on both sides of the East China Sea has intensified over this dispute. The conflict between China and Japan has actually started hundreds of years ago. The history makes everything more complicated.

    Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un
    North Korea’s military exercise: Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, has led the relation between itself and South Korea and Japan in to a tense situation. Missiles have been launched for five times ever since Kim Jong-un takes the position as the leader of North Korea. Besides the launch of missiles, the nuclear tests have brought Pacific region in to nerves. The US and South Korea warned North Korea recently of "further consequences" if it carried out a third nuclear test.

     World War I began because of a build-up of tension between Britain, Italy, France, Germany, the Austria-Hungarian Empire and Russia. Northeast Asia must cooperate and respect more instead of focusing on countries’ own interests to prevent another World War from happening.

    More Information:
    Japan, China, and the Tide of Nationalism
    Rudd tells of risks over Asia divisions
    North Korea
    US warns of N Korea nuclear test 'consequences'
    Photos taken in order:

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